Liberation Travel


10 reasons to have a residency in Paraguay through Liberation.Travel

The reason for writing this article is that we are repeatedly contacted by unhappy clients who have decided to arrange temporary or permanent residence in Paraguay on their own or with a local agency but have encountered various problems where their application has been rejected, the agency has not been able to provide them with […]

10 reasons to have a residency in Paraguay through Liberation.Travel Read More »

Up-to-date information on obtaining temporary and permanent residence in Paraguay

Why Paraguay? Paraguay is a country where you are a resident customer, unlike the EU. Permanent residency in Paraguay does not give you a lot of nonsensical obligations like in the EU country (conscription, social and health contributions, actions such as compulsory testing, census, etc.). But the fact that you don’t have any “forced” benefits

Up-to-date information on obtaining temporary and permanent residence in Paraguay Read More »

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